Contact us


If one of Prince Parker’s representatives is contacting you, it is because we have received information that may link you to an account we were contracted to service. If you believe there has been a mistake, or you would like to speak to one of our representatives, you may contact us directly at or by calling (800) 276-2423, or you can fill out and submit the form below.

    Street Address:



    Zip Code:

    By checking the “Accept Terms & Conditions” box below you are asserting that you are the named individual on this account and are authorized to review and discuss the personal information contained in the account. Furthermore, you are expressly authorizing Waypoint Resource Group representatives to contact you or the responsible party, including but not limited to contact via prerecorded messages, artificial voice messages, text or electronic messages and calls made by an automatic telephone dialing system, at any phone number or any cellular phone, which could result in charges to you, or other wireless device including any cellular phone number you currently have or will have in the future and at any e-mail provided for the purpose of contact in connection with resolution of this account. You agree that both the cell phone number(s) and/or e-mail address you provide belong to you, are secure and cannot be listened to or viewed by unauthorized third parties.

    Accept Terms & Conditions